Creating a New Objective-C Project in Xcode 16

tl;dr use macOS → Application → Game or Command Line Tool Recently I wanted to refresh my memory on Objective-C. My first thought was to open Xcode, create a new project with language set to Objective-C and play with it. To my surprise, none of the iOS Application project templates allow you to select any other language than Swift. I (mistakenly) assumed that Apple must have removed Objective-C from all templates altogether....

March 25, 2025 · Bartosz Kunat

Verifying VPN Status for Docker qBittorrent on Synology

I run qbittorrent in a Docker container on my Synology NAS, with VPN configured at the Synology system level (Control Panel -> Network -> Network Interface) rather than the container level. For setup instructions, you can follow this guide. Even with killswitch enabled, I wanted to verify beyond the UI’s “Firewalled” status that my torrent traffic was actually routing through the VPN. To check this, SSH into your Synology NAS and run:...

November 30, 2024 · Bartosz Kunat