My Productivity Setup

Today, I wanted to give you a high-level look at what tools I use to organize my work and life and how I use them. The setup I’m about to show you is a product of 5 years of refinement. I still tweak some things, so there’s a high chance it will evolve further in the coming months. Before we start, I wanted to mention that I’m deep into the Apple ecosystem....

February 18, 2023 · Bartosz Kunat

Handling Edit Menus Without the First Responder

Context I’m currently developing a chat-based app that requires the implementation of coping messages. Essentially, when a user long-presses a message bubble, an edit menu will appear with the option to “Copy.” This feature is a common element across most chat applications. For the purpose of this article, let’s assume that all message bubbles are constructed using a subclass of UITextView called MessageTextView. To make the “Copy” option appear on a long-press gesture, we’ll first need to add the appropriate gesture recognizer:...

January 31, 2023 · Bartosz Kunat

Alfred Snippets on iOS

Alfred allows you to save your frequently used text clips as Snippets. Over the past few years I’ve created hundreds of them. There’s one problem. Alfred snippets only work on your Mac. Today we’ll focus on how we can convert them into macOS snippets. That way, you’ll be able to use them across all your Apple devices! How Alfred stores snippets as a Zip archive. On macOS, you can open it with the Archive Utility app that’s shipped with the system....

January 25, 2023 · Bartosz Kunat